SESTA/FOSTA Passes the Senate

This afternoon, despite an incredible turn out to push back on SESTA/FOSTA, it received enough votes to pass the Senate. From here it will move to the President’s desk for a signature. It is not clear when the law will take effect, and there is already discussion of challenging different parts of the law. I know this is a big hit for everyone, especially those who put in a lot of amazing time and effort and energy into the calls and outreach and advocacy.

So please: Get Angry. Be furious. By hurt and upset and do whatever you have to do to mourn this moment. Take care of yourselves, reach out to the community and chosen family that has always been the strongest social safety net, and when you are ready – be heartened by what happened. Poke around the articles which were written, read the letters of support, look at the beautiful art that was created (which we will still be collecting) and remember that sex work is just a code word for resilience. Take heart that this is now the moment to awe people with that resilience.

Tomorrow, Thursday (3/22) at 7:30pm EST and Sunday (3/25) at 4pm EST we’ll be having open community calls to talk about SESTA, share more of the organizing efforts that people didn’t get to see and next steps. Please RSVP here to get the call-in information and ask questions.

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